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2022-08-16 21:10:34
For women, sex toys are important because they allow us to explore our own desires and boundaries. They give us the opportunity to discover what gives us pleasure and how we like to be touched. At their core, vibrators are tools that allow women to feel good about themselves and their bodies, which is exactly what sex toys should do: make you feel good!As a society, we have made huge strides in terms of gender equality—but there’s still more work ahead of us before all women can feel comfortable talking about their needs with their partners or talking openly about sexual pleasure without fear of judgment or ridicule. And while this may seem like an issue only relevant for young people just starting out in relationships (or even those who haven’t yet started dating yet), it actually affects everyone from teenagers on up into adulthood.
コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:https://www.lovevib.de/   21:10:34
2022-08-16 21:09:43
Women are sexual beings and it's time we embrace that fact. While some women might feel ashamed or embarrassed about their sexuality, that's a problem. It's time to get over it and start talking about our sexual needs and desires with other people, especially other women! If you've got questions about sex toys, there's no shame in asking them! You can even feel comfortable browsing through websites like (http://www.lovevib.com/) , which offers reviews of different brands of sfemale mini sex toys to use on themselves (and sometimes on each other).
コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:https://www.lovevib.de/   21:09:43
2022-08-16 21:08:59
It's not what you think, though. You don't need to be ashamed of your sexual needs and desires. In fact, it's time that women step up and talk about their sexuality more openly and proudly—and there are plenty of benefits to doing so:Being comfortable with your sex drive can help you enjoy better physical health overall. Researchers have found that women who feel comfortable being sexually active report higher levels of emotional satisfaction, which in turn is closely related to better physical health. And be open to couple vibrators that can spice up your relationship. (vibrating huge dildos is a must)
Talking openly about sex allows others the opportunity to learn more about topics they may not otherwise have been exposed to in an educational setting, helping encourage a healthy dialogue between genders. When people feel confident enough with themselves (and their partners) for open discussion around topics like consent or mutual pleasure without fear of judgment from others around them, it will allow everyone involved greater access points into positive sexual experiences that could lead all parties involved towards deeper connections or even long-term relationships down the line!
コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:https://www.lovevib.de/   21:08:59
2022-08-12 00:53:01
Women have a sexual side, and it's okay to embrace it. Women are allowed to enjoy sex, and women are allowed to enjoy sexual items for females. They're not mutually exclusive. If you're a woman who wants to feel the pleasure of an orgasm (or multiple orgasms)—and what woman doesn't?—then using toys is perfectly natural and healthy.The only reason why you should be ashamed of using sex toys is if you feel shame about being sexually active in general, which is something that deserves its own conversation!
コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:https://www.lovevib.de/   00:53:01
2022-08-12 00:52:12
If you’re a woman and are interested in sex toys, there is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it’s great! There’s no shame in enjoying yourself with a little help from female mini sex toys. It's time we speak up about them instead of keeping them hidden away under a layer of guilt or embarrassment because society has told us for so long that such things were taboo for women (and men).Here are some reasons why:
コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:https://www.lovevib.de/   00:52:12
2022-08-12 00:51:22
Women don't need to be ashamed of their sexual needs and desires. It's time to embrace the female orgasm in all its forms—and toys are one way that women can do this.Women have long been told that they should remain silent about their sexuality, but the fact is that many women really enjoy using female mini sex toys! They can help you discover new sensations with varying levels of intensity, which means you can find exactly what feels right for you.
コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:https://www.lovevib.de/   00:51:22
2022-08-09 00:49:45
Your first dilemma: you're a woman, and sex toys are for men. This is not true. The societal norms that say women shouldn't enjoy sex come from the same place as all other outdated codes of conduct—they aren't based on reality; they're just what "everyone knows." But here's some real talk: women should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies, including enjoying sex! Just because society has been taught that it's okay for men to have orgasms doesn't mean it's okay for women to have them too (or even more than one). There are many perfect sexual items for females.
To be clear, we're not talking about women who have hymens intact or those who are virgins or anything like that—we're talking about all other women who do not fit those descriptions. You may think that those people aren't allowed to enjoy sex because they don't follow the rules; but guess what? They decided their own rules! And if you ever find yourself thinking along these lines again, remember this: people should always make decisions based on what makes them feel good rather than following outdated societal norms or doing something simply because someone else told them so.
コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:https://www.lovevib.de/   00:49:45
2022-08-09 00:49:06
For years, women have been taught that their sexual pleasure is unimportant and that it's better for them to be quiet and submissive. This can make it hard for a woman to feel comfortable talking about what she likes or doesn't like when it comes to sex. And when she does share her preferences with a partner, they may not be met with acceptance or understanding.Societal norms are based on false ideas about sexuality, which teach girls from an early age that they should be ashamed of their bodies and their desires. This can lead to low self-esteem around sex, which makes it hard for a woman to speak up during her encounters or ask the questions she wants answered before giving up control over her body—and this can result in less satisfying experiences overall! Purchase a female mini sex toys and start your journey.
コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:https://www.lovevib.de/   00:49:06
2022-08-09 00:48:25
You may be thinking, “What do you mean? Society is finally starting to accept that women enjoy sex, right?” Unfortunately, no. The fact that we still have to clarify that sex toys are for women shows how far we still have to go when it comes to accepting female sexuality.The truth is that society still doesn't teach young girls about their bodies and what they like or need from them. It's easy for us as adults who've grown up in an environment where sex toys are a normal part of life to forget that kids don't start out with this knowledge. Until they learn it themselves through experience or by seeking out information, they'll likely grow up thinking that what they need isn't normal (or even valid). And if we think back on our own lives before discovering masturbation or experimenting with couple vibrators and vibrating huge dildos, many of us can probably relate—we were taught by society at large not only that our needs weren't normal but also not worth satisfying because "good girls" don't ask for things like pleasure from their partners or from themselves!
コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:https://www.lovevib.de/   00:48:25
2022-08-08 11:52:46
While the tides are turning and societal norms are becoming more accepting of sex toys, there is still an undercurrent that teaches women that their bodies are not meant to be enjoyed."I didn't really think about using them because I had been taught that my body was shameful, and I should be ashamed of it," says Grace*, 22, who grew up in a conservative community. "I had been taught that if I wanted to feel pleasure while having sex with my partner, then maybe he wasn't good enough."This mentality can have serious consequences for many women; especially those who struggle with self-esteem issues or have previously experienced sexual trauma in their pasts. It can prevent women from exploring their sexuality and finding what works best for them during masturbation with sexual items for females or partnered sex (if they choose).
コメント数:(0) カテゴリ:https://www.lovevib.de/   11:52:46
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  • 名前:Yuan
  • ニックネーム:Yang
  • 住所:無回答
  • 性別:男性
  • 誕生日:1994-04-15
  • 血液型:無回答
  • 投資歴:無回答
  • 投資対象: 商品先物